Liturgical Service:
The following in a link for a service of crowning for same sex couples. It is a compilation of both the Greek and Slavonic services of the rite of Adelphopoiesis or Brotherhood. It has been used by Orthodox priests marrying same-sex couples.
Same-Sex Union A crowning (marriage) service for same-sex couples in the Orthodox Church
Primary Resources:
The following link from Fordham University from their Medieval Sourcebook provides two versions of the Adelphopoiia Rite
A reader and supporter of this website has written a well thought out article entitled “Christianity and Homosexuality and Adultery”. We highly recommend that you take some time to read this well researched and organized work. The author wishes to remain anonymous.
Christianity and Homosexuality and Adultery
The following works by the Rev. Justin Cannon are extremely helpful for members of the LGBTQ community - Orthodox or not. The first work is Homosexuality in the Orthodox Church and the second is The Bible, Christianity, & Homosexuality. I highly recommend both works.
Please follow the amazon links to order the books.
The following is a link to a review of the book Homosexuality in the Orthodox Church by Justin Cannon. It was originally published in the St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly in 2011