Gay Pride – Church Shame
June 17, 2012
Drag Queens, ostentatious, over the top displays of sexuality and militant protest actions are an undeniable part of early gay history in the United States. Those that took part in the Stonewall riots in New York as well as members of the progressive Mattachine Society are recognized by the gay community today for their brave actions in standing up for equal rights for gays and lesbians. The American government was not, and certainly today is not, quickly recognizing the equality of its gay and lesbian citizens. Rights were fought for by our gay forefathers and today gay people are joined in this struggle by straight allies. While I am not a big fan of gay pride parades which take place all over the world, I understand their place and the importance of displaying the variety and diversity of gay people everywhere. From Dykes on Bikes to Log Cabin Gay Republicans, there is a place for everyone.