Hope! – Worthy of your attention

June 5, 2024

Hope! – Worthy of your attention

Quite frequently this website receives emails from LGBTQ Orthodox as well as their family members and friends in and outside of the Church, asking if I see any hope or signs that the bishops were either open to or making any changes when it came to their usual harsh rhetoric towards gay people. As Christians, we are called to be a people of hope. We hope for the resurrection of the dead and life eternal in Christ. We hope in our daily lives to live a life that Christ has called us to live, one that loves others and does not judge before removing the log from our own eyes. (Matthew 7:5)

In this vein, I am always touched when I hear from those who are members of the Orthodox Church, and who are heterosexual, and voice their empathy and support for those of us who are LGBTQ and attempt to remain faithful members of Christ’s Church. There have been as of late supportive voices coming from the pastoral and scholarly worlds. Aside from academic works, the first few interviews are by a bishop and priests of the Church, expressing ideas rarely heard in the Orthodox Church. Also, Orthodox scholars in various fields of theology (biblical studies, patristics, church history, and ministry) have written articles and books, spoken at conferences, and in general, have been engaged in various corners of the Orthodox world on the topics of gender and sexuality. I would strongly encourage you to review the descriptions of the following interviews and books and consider reading the works in full to get a better understanding of some of the contemporary views of the Orthodox Church on the LGBTQ community, in particular those of us who are Orthodox Christians. (more…)

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