Dueling theologians! Dueling Graces?

February 12, 2012


Precious little has been published about homosexuality by Orthodox theologians in recent decades in comparison to volumes written by Roman Catholic and the various Protestant denominations.  What has been written by Orthodox bishops, priests and laymen has been overwhelmingly negative in tone, attitude and direction.  Most of what has been written, even by “modern theologians” of the Church has continued to rely on antiquated and often faulty  interpretations of Scripture and Canon Law and perhaps most egregiously has been authored as if no advances in science, medicine or psychology have been made since the seventh Ecumenical Council in the eighth century.   


Recently I read two works by eminent theologians of the Orthodox Church which present dueling opinions on homosexuality.  The first is entitled “Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction – Eastern Orthodox Reflections” by Father Thomas Hopko.  (Conciliar Press, Ben Lomand, CA, 2006).  The author is Dean Emeritus of St. Vladimir Seminary in Crestwood, NY – an institution of higher learning of the Orthodox Church in America.  The second work is a much more recent work entitled “On the Neurobiology of Sin” by Archbishop Lazar (Puhalo) published by Synaxis Press in Dewdney, B.C. Canada in 2010.  Archbishop Lazar is a retired bishop of the Orthodox Church in America – thus from the same jurisdiction as Father Hopko.


The difference between these two books could not be any more opposite in their theological approach, and pastoral perceptions. Here is the main difference, before I get into some details – Archbishop Lazar has read recent scholarship in the fields of biology, psychology, medicine and general science – before he began to write on this vital topic.  Father Hopko shows no evidence of understanding basic biology and psychology and in fact relies on the works of discredited Protestant theologians with little or no accredited education in the aforementioned fields.


Although there are numerous passages in Father Hopko’s small book which seriously calls into question his scholarship, these passages written by him struck me as some of the most incredulous and outrageous:


-“God does not make human beings homosexual” – pg 18


-“sexual desires for carnal relations with persons on one’s own sex are not part of a person’s basic sexual identity as a human being.” –pg 18


-“Genital sex also seems to diminish and often even to disappear between gay men who remain together in long-term domestic arrangements as they continue to engage in sexual activities with men and boys other than their domestic partners,” – pg 29 (emphasis mine)


-“Sexual intercourse between people of the same sex, however, is incapable of expressing divine love because of the incapability of human beings of the same sex to be sexually united in a mutually, fulfilling, complementary, life-creating, and life enhancing manner.” –pg 44


Archbishop Lazar has obviously not only deeply thought about these issues but has also done his research. He is also acutely aware that what he writes will have a significant impact upon the thoughts and actions of gay Orthodox Christians.  Although his book is not directly about homosexuality, he does make several statements on the subject:


-“The very possibility that there is a neurobiological factor in sexual orientation should alert us that we need to be extremely careful in how we approach the subject and that ideologies simply will not do.” (pg 50)


– The reality is “that it is a great error to equate ‘homosexual’ only with a sex act, because it actually refers to the personhood of the individual, something that is innate in his or her very being.” (pg 51)


-“several scientific studies indicate that homosexuality is neither a matter of choice nor of nurture but that there is hard wiring in the brain before birth, and that it is not changeable.” (pg 51)


Numerous gay people would, by their lived experiences, tell Father Hopko that he is wrong.  They were born gay, can’t change their orientation, are drawn to same-sex relationships which are expressed sexually in a strong desire to create “fulfilling, complementary, life-creating, and life enhancing relationships with people of the same sex”.  These same people would thank Archbishop Lazar and tell him that indeed they were born gay and that their sexuality is not limited to a sex act, but in fact is a deep desire to create “fulfilling, complementary, life-creating, and life enhancing relationships with people of the same sex”.


Perhaps the most sobering and effectual statement comes in the first few pages of Archbishop Lazar’s volume. “All clergy should learn the boundaries of their competence and feel free to commend a person to a professional who does have competence to deal with their particular issue.” (pg5)  If only Father Hopko had left the vitally important and contemporary topic of homosexuality to those competent and educated on the subject matter instead of inflicting his own personal biased reflections upon others, especially gay Orthodox Christians. In this case the priest (Hopko) should listen to the archbishop (Lazar) and maybe pick up a book on biology, one written after 1970.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Craig Long

    Dear Andre,
    Thank you for trying to make heterosexual Christians understand the difference between having sex and being in love. However, I think – like most of us – you have failed. Homosexuality will always be a mystery to certain heterosexuals, as they seem incapable of separating sex acts from love, which – ironically enough – is the very thing they accuse gay people of.

    This hypothetical situation presents itself to me: Supposing two gay lovers – both Christian – suddenly, due to advanced age or illness, stop being able to have sex, does their love all at once become elevated in the eyes of God, or are they forever condemned, as they were never able to make that decision when they were still sexually capable? Can you see the absurdities this line of thinking engenders? Your opponents seem to think that madness, chaos, and absurdity are the products of our Lord, who is also Wisdom Itself. Are your opponents honestly suggesting that love resides in a person’s genitals and not in the font of Love, which is The Lord Himself? I find this idea not only extraordinarily disgusting, but also heretical and not a little blasphemous – and they should tremble at the very idea of it.
    And Margaret comparing the love – the very real love – of a committed gay couple to liars and alcoholism seems to me to blaspheme the very foundation of human existence, which is God, who IS Love. I encourage you to show a little more respect.

    Thank you

    1. andre


      Thank you for your email and please forgive me for taking a few weeks to get back to you. I truly appreciate your comments and support of the website. Your objective comments are something that I will take very seriously. I understand that homosexuality will be a mystery to certain individuals. I am a homosexual and it is a mystery to me. Why did God create me with an attraction to my same sex, rather than the opposite sex, is something to question. I understand that I have inherited certain traits and features from my ancestors, but certainly my sexuality must be seen as a gift from God. I know that when some, gay and straight alike, read that, they are uncomfortable.

      Perhaps the best thing we can do is to be honest with others of who we are and who we love. We all know individuals who hide their sexual orientation, their relationships, even gay people who participate in gay bashing. How can we expect others to respect us when we do not respect ourselves. I realize that there are numerous situations when someone is fearful to come out, even risking their safety and life. But in many circumstances, we can be out and honest with our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. This where trusting in God places an immense role for me personally. I trust in Him to guide me when it is safe to come out and be truthful and when to be more cautious.

      Thank you again for your thoughts as we continue our journeys.

      If you would ever like to write a guest reflection to be posted on the website, please let me know.

      I bid you peace,


  2. lazar

    The difference between these two is that so called archbishop Lazar is a predator of week people.

    No matter how clever he is or how he promotes his phlosphy. He is a fake and he is gay.

    I care less of his writings. He has been defroked long time ago.

    I know the idiot.

    For your knolowge the rectum was and it is not created for sex.

    If you belive in a Creator or just in a natural evolution.

    There are parasites that live a fantasy life not the reality.

    Now there are parents that are confused and don't know how to raise their childrens.

    At seven years old they get to choose teir gender. What do they know about life.

    Tragicly there are so many idiots that suport and promote this parasite life stile.

    The politiciens have no scrupule or dignity. They are after votes only.



  3. Margaret

    Hi Andriy – Oh my goodness, I in no way meant literal castration. Wow. I thought it was obviously a metaphor. The reference of the mystery of marriage relating to Christ and His church is from Ephesians. The church is indeed Christ’s bride!

    Alcholics also claim they hurt no one, but, if you do not care for the alcholic analogy, then you could also say the same about a liar. Liars think they hurt no one, not even themselves. Also, if you have not heard of a homosexual being converted to heterosexuality, you haven’t looked in the right places for information. It definitely happens!

    My brother, repentance is not easy: I too have recurring sins and passions for which at times I beg for repentence, and give up fighting at other times. Each time I end the struggle with repenting and confessing His truth, and He forgives me. God does not give up on me, nor will He give up on you. Let God be true, and every man a liar. Keep His word and truth in your heart. God bless you in His love…fight the good fight.

    Here are a couple of very good resources which are more beneficial than me.

    The things we fight against the most are the things which bring us closer to God. Those weaknesses are the means of our salvation. His power is made perfect in our weakness. Look to the Lord for help. He is our helper and deliverer!

    1. andre


      Do you love your husband? Do you make love with your husband? Do you want to live your life with him so that the two of you can grow together spiritually, emotionally? Could you love and make love to your best female friend? No, why not? Because God did not give you that desire.
      I love my husband and express my love and want to grow older with him, and grow spiritually and emotionally. This has nothing to do with alcoholism or lying or anything else to overcome. I pray that your heart and mind be open to the possibility that the love I feel for my husband is the same God created love that you feel for your husband.

  4. Margaret

    I don’t pretend to know biology, and there is a great deal of difference between scholastiicism vs mystery. What I do know is this:

    I do know that alcoholics also claim they are born with a predisposition towards addiction to alcohol. But they also learn that abstinance from alcohol is necessary for sobriety. They don’t try to convince the world that because they are born that way, that the church ought to allow drunks into heaven and they don’t say that the law is predujiced and discriminating against them because of drunk driving laws. I do know that alcoholics are grateful for their struggle to have abstinance from alcohol, it what what drew them to Christ. It became their salvation.

    I do know St Paul says that marriage is an example of Christ’s relationship with His church. Would Christ marry another man? I do know that Christ said that many make themselves eunuchs for the sake of heaven. This would imply abstinance, similar to the way that alcoholics and drugs addicts are to be abstinant from those things. Is there a reason why a person with homosexual tendencies must have sex in order to love? Is that truly love then?

    I also have read of people who had been healed of homosexual urges, who have happy marriages.

    Just wanted to put some of these thoughts out there.

    1. andre

      Thank you for your comment. While I hear your comparison of homosexuality to alcoholism, there are numerous differences. Being gay and wanting to love someone of the same sex does not destroy lives, it empowers them through the love of Christ. God does not call the vast majority of heterosexuals to a celibate life, and do He does not call the vast majority of homosexuals to a life of celibacy. We just desire, a desire that God has placed in our hearts, the same love that you do and many of us have found it, again thanks to the direction of the Lord Himself. Christ Himself was not married, to a woman or to a man, and so the reference is not correct. St. Paul also said that women should be silent in the Church and second marriages (let alone third which the Church permits) should be highly discouraged – and yet the Church celebrates them in the temple within the community. Certainly you would not suggest that gay men should castrate themselves which of course does not take away sexual desire or the desire to love someone for that matter. God created us and I can’t fathom that He wants us to mutilate ourselves. Is there any reason that a heterosexual must have sex in order to love? If you married, did you marry and then tell your husband that you would never, ever make love to him? Such people are called to a different life, a monastic life or a celibate life. To be created as a gay man or women does not mean that God gives you the gift of celibacy. Finally there is NO credible evidence of homosexuals being converted to heterosexuality. This is simply folly.
      I bid you peace and thank you for your comments.

  5. Andy

    I am one who has read Father Hopko’s book, and have listened to many of his lectures and podcasts…not only on the topic of same sex attraction, but on many topics in Orthodoxy. I believe he does speak the truth in love, and I see no inconsistencies with his statements on homosexuality to those from scripture or teachings from the church fathers. As you mention, he is one of the few Orthodox theologians taking on this difficult issue – he deserves more respect than suggesting he pick up a book on biology written after 1970. “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their life and imitate their faith.” –Hebrews 13:7

    1. andre

      I thank you for your message and comment. Father Hopko is indeed a very learned man and worthy of respect that should be given to a priest but he is not infallible and therefore not all that he thinks and writes and speaks is without error or closed to interpretation. On the issue of homosexuality he is wrong. For example his views on the subject differ from Bishop Lazar’s. Can there be two right answers from people in holy orders?

      While I admit that the comment about picking up a book published after 1970 was flippant, the truth of the statement stands. The Orthodox Church has recognized certain biological facts which contradict tradition and canon law and ignored others. For example, the canons are very strict when it comes to menstruating women and yet what priest today publicly, in lectures and published works, tells women that they can’t commune when they are menstruating? And why would we?
      I truly pray for Father Hopko and others who are not only our leaders but have the power to change people’s lives. I pray that they bring consolation and hope instead of shame and guilt for who God created us to be.
      I bid you peace and a blessed lent.

  6. drago barbulov

    given our present physical state, it should be obvious that the Almighty does not have his hands in everything. If he wanted to perfect all flesh to incorruption he could do it by decree. the fact that he does not is telling. flesh shall not inheirit the kindgom. he does not make people gay or babies retarded…there is a scripture by Paul, which aludes to the notion that homosexuality is poured upon the wicked so that they are in plain sight of everyone. perhaps it comes upon sodomites who give up the moral struggle and live for only carnality, and the pleasures of the flesh..hiding in pleasures to mask their hopeless spiritual estate. let us eat and drink for tomorrow we shall die, seems to be the mantra of the unbelieving…and…what they choose to eat and drink seems to be more an expression of their spiritual anguish, than an expression of a preferred wickedness. they , i believe, turn to various forms of wickedness because the natural desire is for pleasure and happiness…but….because they do not believe in redemption, they are constantly opting for the short pleasure….I want joy now….this leads them into deeper darkness, where their very identity as human beings becomes more of a matter of their own imaginings, than a matter of having been created in the image of God , in the first place….sexual identity delusions are the same as other delusions..they subvert a person’s identity.no reason to be hateful of them. the Lord spoke of “they would not believe, because their works were of darkness”….it is a fairly obvious fact that children are conceived in sexual joy…yet this joy is often misapropriated…harlotry, gayness, pederasty, rape, sadism, masochism, fetishism,…all these things are aberations …and I think we do ourselves a disservice by focusing only on homosexuals as an agenda of discussion….perhaps because they are demanding social legitimacy….bestialists, on the other hand are quite happy to hide their shame….although pederasty has become a strident movement, advanced, by changes to the age of sexual consent by governments….is a man a worse sinner because he elects homosexuality, than a man who elects drunkeness, or drugs or gambling, or womanising, or greed for filthy lucre, or vainglory, or power mongering, or any other human deneration?…sin is separation from God, no matter the apparent pathology….the focus on homosexuals , will change as pederasty becomes more prevalent….perhaps in the next generation….the world of sin is like the boiling frog….the world is like the frog, and the devil is turning up the heat very slowly, so the frog does not jump out of the pot….horrible simplification of a ghastly tragedy, but I do not mean to diminish the severity of the fact. harlotry became acceptable in the 60’s, homosexuality is becoming socially acceptable these days, and NAMBLA is working on advancing pederasty…our war is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers and corruption in high places….and the dark spiritual principalities are working in many places, and in many forms.the offenses must come, but woe unto whom they come by…our work is the salvation of souls, and picking on one kind of sinner above another seems counter productive…..

  7. obadiahorthodox

    I am a bisexual Orthodox Christian, I remain celibate.

  8. Archbishop Lazar

    Ignorance is too often equated with piety. How does one measure the quality of another person's love? We cannot even explain the nature of our own love, let alone the nature and quality of the love which other's share, and what gives us either the understanding or the right to "certify" or "decertify" the love which others share? The very meaning and purpose of life is to love and be loved. At the highest level, this is the love between God and man, but it is the very essence of meaning at every level of human life. Moreover to say that "God does not make a person homosexual" is to suggest that God does make one Down's Syndrom, does intentionally give babies retinoblastoma, does intentionally engineer the spontaneious abortion that takes place in the vast majority of pregnancies, does turn zygotes in hadaditform (sp?) moles that become cancerous, etc. To say whether God "engineers" foetuses is to blame God personally for every genetic illness, pain and suffering that visits humanity. In fact, the manner in which a foetus become homsexual is not at all mysterious of difficult to understand, and I assert that God does not engineer each foetus individually. To suggest, as Hopko does, that it is otherwise is to turn God in something much worse that Satan or the most evil human being to have ever walked the face of the earth.

    1. andre

      Your Grace, Thank you so much for taking up this issue and making it clear. My concern is that people have read Father Hopko’s book on the subject and believe that what he writes is the truth of the Orthodox Church. Εισ Πολλά Ετη Δέσποτα

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